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About us

The Herald Report Ministry is a self-supporting Ministry with the aim to reach all the world with the present truth of our time as we prepare for the soon return of Jesus Christ. The sole purpose for our existence it to urgently spread the everlasting message of our time to the world. We believe by faith and trusting in the guidance of Jesus Christ and His promises as we work against time.

Meet the Preacher and teacher

of the Herald Report

Kudzai Chigogora was raised by Adventist parents who were farmers in Zimbabwe. His father was a preacher, teacher and evangelist. Even though Kudzai was moulded within the Adventist faith, when he was of age, Kudzai made a decision to be a seventh day Adventist after studying the bible for himself.

With the support of his wife Rachael, Kudzai has been an evangelist travelling the world preaching the everlasting gospel since 2004. He is a member of the Oxford seventh day Adventist church within the South England Conference where he is currently responsible for Personal Ministry and bible study.

Kudzai has had the privilege to preach to thousands of people across the globe the everlasting gospel. He has ministered to both Adventist and non-Adventist churches the gospel of the present truth of our time.

Kudzai and his family have adopted the name THE HERALD REPORT MINISTRY for their new vision to proclaim the present truth in the United Kingdom but the ministry transcends the boarders of the United Kingdom to the entire world via social media.


Kudzai and Rachael

Kudzai and Rachael are blessed with 3 children who are part of The Herald Report Team.


Joshua is responsible for video shooting and editing.


Jedd is responsible for video shooting.


We conduct presentations weekly on Fridays @18:00 (GMT) and Saturdays @12:00 (GMT) via The Herald Report Ministry YouTube channel and Facebook.

We conduct Weekly Presentation every Sunday on Classic 263 National radio in Zimbabwe @09:05 AM for 30 minutes and 5 minute daily devotions on the same radio channel @05:50 AM.

We conduct regular zoom seminars and campaigns throughout the world delivering messages on how to live a victorious life through Jesus Christ and Preparation to receive The Latter Rain.


We aim to establish a School of prophets to equip individuals on how to prepare for the coming crisis and give the final message of our generation.

Appeal in Building

There is no limitation in what we could achieve as a ministry through the power of The Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that greater things will be accomplish by those who believe in Him and “whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son”. (John 15: 12-13).

 We believe God has called us for such a time as this to proclaim the final message of our generation and our aim is to operate a full-time family-based ministry. Please help us to accomplish this mission by subscribing to The Herald Report Ministry YouTube channel and  spread the news to friends and colleagues.


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Contact us

The Herald Report Ministry is a faith-based ministry that is fully focused on delivering the present truth message to the world. We realize that our time is short and that we must work by faith and the grace of God alone. We are open to receiving support, donations and information that could assist us in achieving our main objective.

Account Details
Lloyds Bank
The Herald Report Ministry
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 40899760
IBAN: GB94 LOYD 3099 5040 8997 60

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